SA CAN RUN Shoe Project

by | Apr 23, 2020 | AspireToInspire, Charity

I teamed up with sacanrun to collect running shoes and kit for those in need. We understand that proper running shoes is a necessity, we also know that not many people can afford a proper pair of running shoes or even running kit for that matter and this prevents them from taking up running.The aim of the project is to inspire more South Africans to run and to uplift the sport by motivating people to be active. We believe that by providing the less fortunate with a pair of running shoes or running kit will encourage them to take up running. The main focus of the project is to collect as many pairs running shoes, spikes and clothes for kids and adults as possible

Should you have any shoes or kit to donate you can go to any one of our drop off locations listed below

Drop off locations:
Endurocad Office- 1 Krige Street , Stellenbosch Academy of Sport
Sanlam Cape Town Marathon- At Expo and Race day

Travelways offices:
Sure Travelways: Chenoweth Street, Durbanville
Sure Travelways: Bayside Centre, Tableview
Sure Travelways: Howard Centre, Forest drive, Pinelands
Sure Travelways: Lifestyle Centre, Kloof Street
Maties Gym- Coetzenburg Sports Campus, Coetzenburg rd, Stellenbosch

If you are one of those in need you can apply for a shoe donation here:

I would like encourage people to support this initiative, we can ensure that it will be donated to those in need. Thus far we have donated over 700 pairs of shoes. The project runs in Western Cape, Johannesburg and Durban.